Sunday, December 03, 2006

Fluffy stuff

Okay, so the beating on my bloggy door is no longer ignorable. I'm afraid there is no knitting fit to post, so instead I give another Wonky travelogue.

On Saturday we went snowshoeing on Moscow Mountain. We hiked up to one of the peaks, and following are my pics of the trip.

This is the road that winds its way up the slope.

More height, more snow!

If you look out the horizon, beyond the stretch of heaven that hovers below the peak, you can make out the peaks of the Blue Mountains.

To the right is the peak of the range, but let's just pretend this was as high as we could go.

My breath lay white on the tips of my hair like the snow and frost on this lonely pine.


cpurl17 said...

Those photos are beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Wonky Mom says, "the trees in their luxurious winter coats arouse the urges to knit wool sweaters".

Martha said...

Well, I maybe can see why you like Moscow.

Call me and say hi sometime!

DomesticOverlord said...

Yea! A Wonky fix! I'm giddy!

Anonymous said...

Phew you ARE still alive! Great pics! Marry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous pictures. I love how quiet it is in snow like that.

Hooray, you're back! Happy holidays to you!

Bad Amy said...